Sunday, January 30, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas time is always such a special time of the year.  It's a time to take a few minutes and reflect on the things that have happened in your life good and bad.  I would have to say that the year 2010 was a pretty good year for this Durfey Family.  What a blessing to have such good friends and family that are always willing to support and help in any way possible.  I feel very fortunate to live close enough to our family that we can see them whenever we choose.

Every year the kids get bigger and more dependent.  This year was really fun.  Both Brody and Haylie picked out each other's gift and wrapped it all by themselves.  What a big help to their mom.  Haylie is just in Kindergarten right now and does not know how to spell all of the words she would like to but she did pretty good at most of them and her hand writing is fantastic!

Haylie just got finished wrapping Brody's gift.  She was so excited to GIVE it to him. 

My kids had the opportunity to see Santa a couple of different times this year.  We were at the Bicknell firehouse in this picture.

Haylie is such a lovey little girl.  She always has loves for just about everyone.  Grandma Connie said that her other grandkids need to be around to watch what Haylie does when grandma comes in.  Basically she stops what she is doing and goes running while saying "G R A N D M A" and gives her big loves.  It's not to just grandma, but everyone she knows.  How nice it is to have such unconditional love towards people.  She is truly a good example for me.

I made the kids come back for 1 more photo just before Santa was getting ready to leave.

Brody thinks he is getting too big to sit on Santa's lap but he did it this year to humor his mom.  I told him I would like to have a photo of him and Santa when he was actually not crying.

This was a picture of Santa after the ward Christmas party.  When Santa asked Haylie again what she would like, Haylie responded "Don't you renember what I told you last time?"  Poor Santa.

After she told him again and he said "Oh yes, that's right I do remember!"  Happy day for all!

Brody trying to think what he asked for the last time.  He was wanting to keep his request the same so Santa wouldn't have as much to remember. 

This picture turned out a little fuzzy but it is one of my favorites.  Haylie front and center singing her little heart out at the ward Christmas party.  She really loves to sing the primary Christmas songs.

Brody was one of the wisemen.  He told me he wasn't going to wear one of the costumes but when he came out he had changed his mind.  What a cute little program it was.  All of the children looked so nice and knew the primary songs really well.

Haylie and Brody in their new Christmas attire.  I think they look pretty dang sharp.  

A new tradition the Durfey family started this year was...opening one gift on Christmas Eve (new pajamas) and reading the Christmas story out of scriptures.  We really enjoyed doing this and look forward to doing many years to come.  Brody is always ready to be a clown. He had his new pajamas on and was quietly reading the scriptures so I tried to sneak a picture.  He heard the beep of the focus and in a split second this is what I got.

Brody and Haylie in their new Christmas Pajamas and fluffy socks.

Haylie loves her brother and he will love her back just a long as no one is watching.

Shane on the couch in his new pajamas reading the new Christmas book given to us by Grandma Connie.

Fast forward to Christmas morning.  Haylie was so excited she got the American doll she had asked for.

and.....a pink BB Gun purchased by her daddy.

Brody playing his new DSi.

Brody and his air soft gun given to him by his little sister.  He gave her a Barbie and Barbie clothes.

Haylie with her birthday doll and her American doll.  I love that she still loves to play with her dolls.  I could sit and watch her play for hours.  She is quite entertaining.

After we had opened the gifts Christmas morning and were trying to get ready to go to our different grandparents homes' Haylie and I were in my bathroom doing her hair.  She told me she loved everything that she had gotten for Christmas.  My thought was...."Oh what a sweet and gracious little girl".  Then she added, "At least Ken got what he wanted for Christmas"  Me:  "Oh ya? What did Ken want for Christmas?"  Haylie:  "He wanted cuter girls!"  Me: "Oh really!"  Haylie: "Yes, and I told those other Barbies they better treat these new Barbies with respect."  Never a dull moment at our house.

Trying to get ready to go to the grandparents' house I told Brody I wouldn't have time to iron his shirt and if he had to wear that shirt he would have to iron it himself.  So.....under the direction of his sister....he got it done.

Brody showing Great Grandpa's Potter and Nelson how to play the new DSi he received. 

I am consciously trying really hard to take photos of my children with their grandparents and great grandparents.  Right now they have 10 living grandparents.  In the photo are Grandpa and Grandma Potter, Great Grandpa and Grandma Potter, Great Grandpa and Grandma Rhea Nelson, with Brody and Haylie.  Grandpa Great Nelson wouldn't quit clowning around with Haylie so this is as good as it got. 

Great Grandpa and Grandma Madsen, and Grandpa and Grandma Durfey with Brody and Haylie. 

Haylie and Aja watching Grandma cut the very time consuming jello she had made special for the occasion.  Aja:  "Is it good?"  Haylie:  "Everything Grandma makes is good!"

The guys sitting around waiting for dinner to be ready.

One fun thing about getting together and going to Connie's and Allen's house is hanging around after the meal and playing games.  This year we introduced a new game.  Everyone sits in a circle.  You take turns rolling 2 dice.  If you get doubles, you immediately starting putting on a hat, goggles, a scarf, and some gloves and then try to unwrap a piece of candy and eat it before the next person rolls doubles.  If it's not in your mouth before the next person rolls doubles you don't get to eat it.  It was quite a comical game to watch.

Dustin trying to get all of his attire on before someone rolls doubles.

Haylie finally rolled doubles.  She was so excited. Now to be able to eat a piece of candy before her turn is over.  It's not as easy as it sounds. 
Uncle Lance had to eat a lot of candy.  Probably because he doesn't like chocolate.

Shane at his first attempt for some candy.

Brody almost got to try and unwrap a piece of candy but...he was too late.  See the hands reaching for his hat? 

Another candy game Tamara (I think) introduced to us last year.  A big hit with both the grown ups and the kids.

Lance is always such a good sport and laughs easily.  Very fun to be around.

Playing spicy farkle (a family favorite) at the kitchen table.  It's been especially fun since Allen joined the game.  He always brings good humor with him! 

Giving counsel to Dustin about what he thinks should take place.

Keeping an eye on his opponent after offering some good advise.

Trying to make more points than what is being shown. 

Always a good sport whether he is winning or losing.

Allen's catch phrase; "Not a problem."  And definitely don't tell him he can't or won't be able to roll 6,000 points in one turn or he will roll 13,000 just to prove you wrong.  NOT A PROBLEM!

Explaining how easy it is to Shane.

One thing for sure...I love the Holiday Season and being able to spend quality time with the family.  It is always nice to get together and enjoy each other.  Thanks to our family for a wonderful holiday season.  To those of you that could not make it home this year, you were truly missed and we hope to see you soon.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cabo San Lucas

Early in the morning on Friday November 19th we took off for a family vacation in Cabo San Lucas Mexico.  Our family was so excited.  Not only to get out of the freezing cold and go somewhere warm....but also to be with our extended family without any interruptions for a solid week.  Who could ask for anything better than that?


This is a picture of my whole extended family with the exception of my mom's dad Grandpa Lars and his wife Grandma Rhea.  They aren't really fond of travelling very far away from home.  They were missed but we enjoyed being here.

We felt very fortunate that my Dad's parents were able to join us for this trip.  At 85 (grandpa) and almost 87 (grandma)  we are extremely grateful to have them in our lives and living so close by.  They are truly a blessing to us in words and deeds.  Haylie gets her middle name "Grace" from her Grandma Great Potter.

My mom and dad were the ones responsible for getting us together as a family for this vacation.  Our family is getting quite large and spread out and we don't have the opportunity to all be together very often.  I am so grateful to my parents for teaching me the importance of having a close-knit family.  They are great examples and supporters of everything we do.

Our cute little family.  I am so thankful for the love and friendship we share. I am grateful for the joy and happiness that comes into our lives each and every day because of the love in our home.
Matt and Meghan, who is the newest member of the family, with Haylie on the beach at our condo.
So....about these floaties...some people were leaving Cabo and noticed that we had quite a large group and a lot of children so they asked if we would like to have them as they weren't going to take them home with them.  I don't know who enjoyed them more....the children or the men!

Brody in the ocean and Dillon standing guard.  It was a little difficult navigating the waves.
Getting instruction from Shane on just the right way to sit so that you don't tip over when you hit the waves.

My little baywatch beauty.  She loved the sand and being on the beach but after getting "rolled" a few times in the ocean, she didn't want to get in the water anymore.

Shane and Jamen trying out the floaties.

Grandma Diane and Haylie.  Grandma Diane is a good sport.  She doesn't swim real well but she did end up getting in the ocean with her grandchildren.

Shane getting his daily workout in.  The littler kids liked riding on this board as long as he didn't take them too deep.

I think Haylie would have done this all day.  Thanks Shane for being such a great DAD!

Haylie telling Grandpa Great why she doesn't like going out into the ocean. here's where it gets funny.  Shane decides that he is going to try to "ride" the board into the waves.

Umm....I guess not.  Nissa was asking her little boy Carter if he wanted to make a sand castle and he while he was laughing he said "No, I just want to watch Uncle Shane.  He does funny stuff." (Note the feet in the air) Thanks sweetie for providing good, clean entertainment for your nieces and nephews.

The condo we were staying at had children's games at the pool everyday.  This game was musical chairs with a had to clap your hands and dance (or in Corbin's case hum) while the music was going.  Corbin was so cute.  He never missed a beat.  He was watched over by Triston just to make sure he didn't get hurt.

Corbin ended up winning musical chairs (with a little help because he was soooo cute) and received his prize from Superman.

"Wow look Tu Tu I won!"

We shared a room with Cory's and Nissa's darling little family.  Carter and Haylie became pretty good buddies. 

The floaties worked great in the pool as well.

Coming out of the Shamu slide it seems to be missing a rider.  Haylie is quite concerned about where her brother might be.

It's all good but I think I'll rest for a minute before I try it again.

Haylie loved loved loved the pool.  My kids both really enjoyed this relaxing vacation.

Nissa attempting to persuade Tracy not to throw her in the pool.  Fortunately for her, she succeeded. We really do have quite a nice brother.

A trip to Cabo just wouldn't be complete without a trip to the "Barios" (sp)  It is the poverty stricken part of the area.  My parents introduced us to this area in need of service several years ago. The picture above demonstrates how they get their power.  One household has a power source and then you will see wires running in every direction from this power source.  Some run through cactus' like the one above but a lot of the wires run on top of the ground.  Quite scary.

My kids had the opportunity to look through some of their "gently used toys that they don't use anymore and choose the ones they would like to take and give away to some of the children in the Barios. What a humbling experience it was for them to participate in this.  Both Brody and Haylie were so amazed and happy that their toys brought such sweet smiles from these children.

Some of the children were shy.

What a great way for children to learn acts of kindness.

Brody loved doing this.  He said it was one of his most favorite things about our trip.
Besides my kids' toys, my mom purchased enough food, beans, rice, cheese, fruit, tortillas, etc. from the local Mercado to divide into 20-30 bags to give to the adults.  My sisters also brought crayons, coloring books, toothbrushes, and toothpaste.  Just a few things we thought they may want or need.  A real humbling experience for us all to see, at times, 30-40 children and adults following our vehicles in an attempt to receive some good will.  One we never seem to forget.

The children and I walking in the Barios and talking about everything we as a family are grateful for.

Thanksgiving day 2010 out at my parents home. Haylie sneeking up on Grandma Great.

Talking about the finer things in life.  Like this fine hat of Jaron's.

Riding the banana boat was one of the activities enjoyed by our family.  On this banana boat: J.T., Grandma, Carter, Nissa, Monica, and Brody.  Looks like fun.

Our little family decided to take a glass bottom boat ride.

The water was so clear you could actually see the bottom.

Land's End.  This is a famous landmark.  You can find it on many postcards and it is absolutely beautiful!

Another view of Lands End.

On our glass bottom boat ride we had the privilege of going right by this colony of sea lions and seals.  Wow...I never knew something so cute could smell so BAD!

Haylie curling her hair to go "out on the town"
She said it was easier to look at her hair instead of looking in the mirror.

She actually did a pretty good job for a 6 year old.  Way to go Sis. 

My Uncle Bill, Aunt Natalie, and their girls came on this vacation with us.  They are such a fun family to hang out with. Always so kind and patient with everyone.

Such a relaxing vacation, Shane even just sat and relaxed which is highly unusual for him.

The kids on the second to last day of vacation.  Do they look like they are worn out?

Brody actually fell asleep in the sand.  Can't say that I blame him.  It was warm and he played really hard from sun up till sun down for 7 days.

By the end of vacation Haylie was always looking for somewhere to sit.

Shane and Haylie sleeping in the chair at the beach.  What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving.