Monday, September 23, 2013

Frankie Stein and the Rock Star...Halloween 2012!

Happy Halloween!
Every year Grandma Diane give the kids a pumpkin from her garden. They get to go over and choose which one they want.  After their pumpkin is chosen, the waiting game begins.  They "patiently" wait until Shane can help them carve them.  Shane cuts off the top and helps tape the pattern on but the kids have to do a lot of it themselves.  I think that their favorite part is digging out the "guts"! ;) 
Haylie's not scared of it...she dives right in.
Brody-man handling his pumpkin trying to get some of the goo out before he starts carving.

Okay time to get messy!  

Haylie wanted to be Frankie Stein from Monster High and we just kind of threw Brody's costume together.  I think they both turned out really nice.

Such a little posing Diva! 

Such a cool Rock Star!  He definitely wears it well!

Fun parade at school.

It's always a treat to go and see Grandpa and Grandma Great.  We absolutely love these people.

Grandma Connie always spoils them rotten with homemade cookies and a whole bag full of goodies.  Thanks Grandma for always making the holidays so much fun!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Haylie's 2nd Grade Play

Haylie's 2nd grade class worked really hard to put on a play for parents and students that everyone enjoyed. It was a fun play and the children did really well.  They all knew their parts and sang their songs loud and clear.
Getting ready for the play to start. Both J.T. and Haylie look really excited...right?

Haylie was chosen to welcome and lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Singing songs

Saying their parts.

Once again Haylie with her little BFF Laine.What cute girls!

Never a dull moment with these two!  I love love love their fun personalities.  Always entertaining when they are together.


Deer Hunt!

It must be a family tradition for Father's to take their sons out hunting.  I know my guys certainly enjoy this but they like it even more when grandpa is home and can go with them. 
Shane shot this nice big buck.

Later in the hunt he took Brody to get this nice buck.  Way to go boys.  We are so happy to have meat in the freezer!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Crazy Hair Day

Once again for Red Ribbon week at the school the students participated in Crazy Hair Day.  I'm not very creative so the kiddos had to kind of tell me what they wanted and this is what they came up with.  If you ask me...I think they kind of look like twins.

They had fun at school but not so much fun that night when they had to brush it out.  Haylie's hair was extremely hard to comb out even after getting the tub AND using a lot of conditioner.

Fun with Furry Friends

It was fun to have the Brazells come and visit for the weekend. Nissa is always telling us that her kids don't like cats or dogs or pet but I think you can tell from these pictures it's not them.  Hadley could hardly wait for Uncle Shane to saddle Buckie so she could go for a ride.


What a good lookin' little cowboy!

Oh my...what big leaves you have. 

Much to her mother's dismay, Hadley absolutely loved the kitties.  Especially Socks. She even went as far as to share her milkie with socks until her mother caught her.