Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Not another tooth!!!

Poor Haylie had a Nanny McPhee tooth that was so loose it was just about to fall out.  She didn't want to pull it because "if you lose a tooth at school, Mrs. Taft gives you a tooth box to put it in."  Brody told her  he had a tooth box that she could have and I told her I would pull it for her if she wanted me to.  She assured me she would pull it herself like she had all of her other teeth!  I couldn't understand why she made such a fuss over this tooth but, it was so wiggly, when she tried to eat it hurt.  After she pulled it out everything was better.

"I can't, I can't do it!"

"It hurts."

Look at those poor little eyes.  She was scared to pull her tooth because it was hurting her but that only lasted for just a minute.  She got up, went to the bathroom, and pulled it.   Everything was "perfect" again after that.

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